Helping Others Find Their Place

“Every woman’s journey into and out of being trafficked is unique,” says Dorothy Taft, executive director of The Market Project, “However, one thing is certain — trafficking belittles, betrays, and dehumanizes.”
For survivors of human trafficking, aftercare can be a long and challenging process. Feeling safe and supported is crucial, yet many women struggle to find acceptance in their communities. Difficulty finding employment can lead to economic vulnerability or dependence and dangerously increases a survivor’s risk of poverty, being exploited, or re-trafficked. “Helping Others Find Their Place” was published on Trafficking Matters, a project of The Human Trafficking Institute.
Employment reduces a survivor’s vulnerability. The trauma-informed workplace offers more than just a weekly paycheck. Nguvu Dairy in Uganda is one such business — focusing on the aftercare of its employees. By incorporating survivors of trauma into a safe community Nguvu fosters agency and independence among survivors.
“For people threatened by violence, work becomes the anchor that holds them steady within their old world as a new one is being formed.
During the time of healing after violence, work is the compass that shows the survivor the direction he or she must take to get out of a psychological dead end.”
The Human Trafficking Institute is a non-profit organization working to end human trafficking. By empowering officers, prosecutors, and specialized units within the justice system, they fast-track cases and convict traffickers. They also strive to educate law enforcement in developing countries with little to no investigative training.
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