Understanding Trauma Healing: Why It Matters


Healing from trauma requires patience, time and intentional engagement. In our fast-paced world such intentionality often takes a backseat, but for survivors of complex trauma, it is critical. At The Market Project (TMP), we believe healing is foundational for flourishing.

The Impact of Trauma

Trauma affects mental, physical and emotional well-being. Survivors often face anxiety, depression, chronic pain and emotional struggles like isolation and trust issues. These challenges can hinder their ability to maintain stable employment and build healthy relationships.

Trauma Healing Defined

Trauma Healing is the recovery and reversal of adverse mental, physical, social, emotional and spiritual effects brought on by trauma. The journey to healing requires patience, resilience and the right support systems.

TMP’s Approach

At TMP, we advance our mission through three primary approaches that work together to bring restoration to trauma survivors:

  1. Creating Viable Businesses: We create businesses that employ trauma survivors and bring hope and transformation to the community. We conduct thorough field research, market analysis and product development before starting a business. Our goal is to foster agency in each employee within a trauma-informed workplace and create jobs in a business that will provide stability and opportunities for growth as an employee.
  2. Providing Mentors: We offer mentoring for the business’ management teams in areas like marketing, human resources and financial integrity. Managers also receive training in understanding trauma and its effects on a person, fundamental legal protections, and best practices to ensure a safe, transparent and supportive work environment. Our mentoring includes training managers in trauma-informed practices appropriate for the workplace and tailored to local cultures.
  3. Offering Community and Stability: A job that builds on survivors’ strengths is crucial for their healing journey. We foster a supportive community where employees can begin to heal emotionally, spiritually and physically. All personnel are invited to participate in trauma healing groups that equip them to better relate to others.

Consider the story of this sales person who faced significant hardships, including losing both parents at an early age, being unable to complete his basic education, and suffering an untreated accident. Joining Nguvu Dairy profoundly changed his life.

“When I joined Nguvu company, I was hopeless but through trauma healing, my hope is rebuilt.… through trauma healing sessions, I was taught that nobody is alone in this world. I started gaining courage and associating myself with people and now I have very many friends that I cannot count them one by one.”

Sales Person, Kole District

A safe workplace builds hope and welcomes into community those who feel isolated and alone. By supporting trauma survivors with safe workplaces, we create environments where individuals can heal, grow and flourish. Join us in building such communities where trauma survivors are able to provide for themselves and their families. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

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