Crafting a Future: How Sustainable Jobs Transform Lives

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In today’s global economy, the importance of creating sustainable and meaningful jobs cannot be overstated, particularly for those recovering from complex trauma. At The Market Project (TMP), our mission goes beyond a good job; we aim to build businesses that provide transformative and dignity-affirming workplaces for survivors. This unique approach not only revitalizes economies but also empowers individuals to thrive.

TMP operates under a model that transforms lives by aligning job opportunities with market demands while integrating holistic trauma training and support. Here, we’ll explore our structured Ten-Steps of Business Creation that guide our approach to launching sustainable businesses:

  1. Build Bridges with Trauma Care Organizations: We start by identifying communities affected by complex trauma and collaborate with organizations that aid survivors. This foundational step helps us tailor our employment opportunities to meet their specific recovery needs.
  2. Develop Pre-Business Concepts: Our teams engage with existing businesses and community members to brainstorm new business ideas. We focus on enterprises that meet community needs and promise substantial growth, steering clear of micro-business models.
  3. Apply Rigorous Research: Extensive research helps us define the business’ purpose and scope. We engage industry experts and potential partners early in the process to ensure our concept has a robust foundation.
  4. Consider Alignment to Our Mission: Each business idea is evaluated for its potential to foster healthy relationships, self-sufficiency and healing within a supportive community, ensuring alignment with TMP’s overarching goals.
  5. Craft a Business Plan: We develop comprehensive business plans, including marketing strategies and financial forecasts, to attract investors and set the stage for successful market entry.
  6. Raise Capital: Funding is crucial for turning our business concepts into reality. We work with diverse funders to secure the necessary start-up capital.
  7. Hire a Professional and Experienced Business Facilitator: This step involves recruiting skilled personnel who can drive the business forward while fostering a trauma-informed work environment.
  8. Advise, Train and Problem-Solve with the Business Facilitator: We continuously collect data and feedback to refine our strategies, ensuring our workplaces remain supportive and effective for all employees.
  9. Cross-Train Employees: By offering cross-training, we provide employees with opportunities for advancement within the business or transitions to other roles, enhancing their career trajectories.
  10. Earn Out: Our ultimate goal is to empower employees to take over the business operations. After receiving adequate training and experience, we offer them the chance to execute an “earn out” of the business.

To be clear,  these steps require constant vigilance on the part of TMP and hard work and commitment by those whom we serve. Our mission at TMP is clear – we seek to build sustainable businesses and create workplaces that are transformative and dignity-affirming for survivors of complex trauma.

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