International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Perhaps you know someone who has suffered physical or psychological harm, or you have been a victim of violence yourself. The Market Project is helping end the cycle of despair, exploitation and violence.
The Market Project helps survivors of violence move from dependence on others to employment to caring for others. The healing work opportunities we create honor the dignity, capacity and creativity of men and women who have faced profound indignities.
In Uganda, we partner with care organizations working with domestic violence and trafficking survivors, former child soldiers, youth-headed households, and traumatized refugees from South Sudan.
Nguvu Dairy Limited, our small business based in Gulu, northern Uganda, produces yummy yogurt! Parents can afford to buy our yogurt and now add dairy to their children’s diet. The business brings nutritious food to a market that lacks dairy.
Nguvu’s production capacity was expanded in September 2017, and about 40 men and women now have dependable work. We are now raising funds to double Nguvu’s number of employees in 2018.
The Market Project ensures that the workplaces we create – like Nguvu Dairy – are safe. The dehumanizing past experiences are replaced each day with trauma-informed engagement. Supervisors are trained to lead work communities that show respect, ensure safety (emotional, psychological, and physical), and foster healthy autonomy.
Nguvu’s production personnel earn a decent wage sufficient to provide for the needs of their families. Sales representatives are paid 20% commission on each yogurt package sold. The Market Project is eager to provide more dignity-affirming opportunities for trauma survivors – all with extraordinary strengths to contribute. The care organizations with whom The Market Project partners are eager for their clients to gain more agency as they move into the workforce and provide for the needs of their loved ones.
Do you want to show today your commitment to end the scourge of violence against women? Please consider changing the life of a survivor today – affirm her dignity through work. Help fathers provide for their children.
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